Our Mission
A nation's cultural heritage, we are often told, is a pillar and mirror of its identity. It is also a treasure to be shared with others. As we freely enjoy the marvels of civilization created by other peoples, we also contribute the treasures of our own rich cultural history. We are taught to love our own and respect others. At the same time, we have an obligation to preserve our treasures and ensure their rightful place in the world. A living nation's culture is not an ossified relic, but a starting point and inspiration in the continuous process of creating new treasures.
Our Culture
Preserve and Promote Serbian Heritage
Serbian history throughout the Middle Ages is reflected in the centers of spiritual life - the medieval Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries. By the very nature of these monuments and treasures preserved within them: principally wall frescoes, icons, objects of fine art, ecclesiastic, biographical and legal manuscripts, and literary works, is such that their survival is precarious. This medieval history is where BLAGO contributes the most: record, organize and publish the extensive and complete collections representing the current status of these objects.

The BLAGO Fund was created with a goal to preserve and promote the Serbian cultural heritage. It was formed by the Serbian Unity Congress in 1998 after witnessing the destruction and disappearance of cultural treasures in the civil war on territory of the former Yugoslavia. Its primary focus, but not limited to, is the territory of Serbia and all the areas in the Balkans where Serbian heritage is still present.
We are a team of volunteers, art historians, computer experts, culture lovers, who would love to share our heritage with the rest of the world. Be it ancient, medieval, or recent. The national heritage, our real treasure, is there to be cherished, preserved, be an inspiration, and ultimately shared with the others by contributing to the collective conscience of humanity.
Our Team
Making sure that our collections exceed users' expectations, for quality, style, and availability.

Nenad VukicevicFounder and President,
BLAGO Fund, Inc.
BLAGO Fund, Inc.

Ljubomir MedenicaOperation Director, BOD President, BLAGO Serbia

Ivana Lemcool, Ph.D.Art Historian, BLAGO Serbia

Zoran JovanovicMedieval Art Consultant, BLAGO Serbia

Ivana IgnjatovicArt Historian, BLAGO Serbia

Vladimir AcimovicIT Operation, BLAGO Serbia

Aleksandar TodorovicIT Support, BLAGO Serbia

Jelena VukicevicFounder and Logistics, BLAGO Fund, Inc.