Eastern Half

Menologion: November 1-3 and 8-12

Holy Healers Cosmas and Damian (November 1); St. martyrs Cyriaina and Juliana (November 1); St. martyrs Acyndinus, Pegasius, Aphthonius, Elpidephorus and Anempodistus (November 2); St. Acepsimas (November 3); Holy nine martyrs martyred by the sword (November 3); Synaxis of Archangels Michael and Gabriel and other Bodiless Powers (November 8); St. Matrona of Constantinople (November 9), St. Apostles Erastus, Olympas, Herodion, Sosipater, Quartus and Tertius (November 10); St. martyrs Menas, Victor and Vicentius (November 11); St. Theodor of Studium (November 11); St. John the Merciful, the patriarch of Alexandria (November 12); St.Nilus the Feaster (of Sinai) (November 12)

  • Eastern Nave, 4th Bay, Vault, Eastern Half

  • Copyright: BLAGO Fund, Inc.