Churches of Prizren
Monastery Dečani
Monastery Gračanica
Patriarchate of Peć
Church in Lipljan
Churches of Velika Hoča
Church in Tamnica
Church in Vaganeš
St Nicholas Church, Novo Brdo
Monastery Studenica
Monastery Sopoćani
Pillars of St. George Monastery
St. Peter's Church in Ras
Monastery Gradac
Monastery Mileševa
White Church of Karan
Church of Arilje
Monastery Ravanica
Monastery Manasija
Monastery Pavlovac
St Nicholas at Ramaća
Monastery Jošanica
Monastery Kalenić
Monastery Ljubostinja
Monastery Rudenica
Monastery Naupara
Monastery Sopocani
Virtual Reality
Pandantifs and arches of the nave
Ring of the dome trompe with inscription
Inscription on fresco-painting of the church
Pandantifs with Evangelists
Southeast: St. Apostle and Evangelist John
Southwest: St. Apostle and Evangelist Mark
Northwest: St. Apostle and Evangelist Luke
Northeast: St. Apostle and Evangelist Matthew
Medallions under the dome ring with Forefathers
Forefather Noah
Forefather Enoch
Unknown Forefather
Forefather Sit
Arches of the nave: Old-Testament Prophets and Forefathers
Forefather 15
Forefather 1
Forefather 2
Forefather 3
Forefather 4
Forefather 5
Forefather 6
Forefather 7
Forefather 8
Forefather 9
Forefather 10
Forefather 11
Forefather 12
Forefather 13
Forefather 14
Forefather 16
Forefather 17
Middle zone of the nave
Lower zones of central part of nave
Unknown Holy Stylite (north wall)
St. Archdeacon and Protomartyr Stephen (north wall, part next to altar partition)
St. John the Baptist and Foreruner (south wall, part next to altar partition)
Unknown Holy Stylite (south wall)
North wall with Nativity and Transfiguration of Christ
Nativity of Christ
Transfiguration of Christ
South wall with Meeting and Teaching in the Temple
Meeting of our Lord
Young Christ teaches Jewish priests in the temple
Northeast pillar, higher zone
Archangel Gabriel (from Annunciation)
St. Prophet Solomon and unknown Holy Hierarch
Northeast pillar, lower zone
Two forefathers: Abraham and unknown one
St. Babylas and unknown Hierarch
St. Eleutherius
Southeast pillar, higher zone
St. Polycarpus
St. Prophet David
The Most Holy Mother of God (from Annunciation)
Southeast pillar, lower zone
St. Antimus
Two unknown Forefathers
St. Spyridon and unknown Holy Hierarch
Northwest pillar, higher zone
Unknown Holy Martyr
St. Sergius
Unknown Holy Martyrs
Northwest pillar, lower zone
Two Holy Warriors: Demetrios and unknown one
Unknown Holy Apostle
Southwest pillar, higher zone
Unknown Holy Martyrs on the pillar top
St. Minas
Southwest pillar, lower zone
Unknown Holy Martyr and Evangelist
St. Warrior George
Christ on the Throne, from the ktitors' (founders') composition
Northern choir
Eight Apostle portraits
St. Apostle Peter (east wall)
St. Apostles John (probably), Marc (maybe not) and two unknown (west wall)
St. Apostle and Evangelist Luke (north wall)
Unknown Evangelist (probably Mark) (north wall)
Unknown Apostle (east wall)
Vault and window
Ornament in the window
40 Holy Martyrs from Sebastia
Two smaller frescoes
Unknown Holy Healer in Medallion (north wall)
St. Shroud with Christ's face (east wall)
Southern choir
Vault with Holy Trinity and window
Holy Trinity - Hospitality of Abraham, fragment: one of Angels at the table
Ornament in the window: symbol of double axe
Seven Apostle portraits
St. Apostles Paul and Matthew and two unknown (east wall)
Unknown Apostles
Four portraits of Holy Healers
Three Holy Healers: Damian, Panteleimon and Cosmas (west wall)
Western part of nave
Dormition on the west wall
Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God, central part
Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God, upper part: Apostles on the clouds
North wall with Palm Sunday
Three unknown Holy Martyrs
St. Nicetas
Palm Sunday - Entrance of Lord into Jerusalem, fragment
Descent into hell on the north wall
Descent into Hell (Bright Saturday)
Frescoes of the first zone of the west and south wall
St. Warriros Theodor Tyron and Theodor Stratilatus and unknown Holy Martyr
Jesus Christ (above entrance on the western wall)
South wall: Crucifixion
Crucifixion of Christ
Arch between north-west and south-west pillar
Holy Seven Macabeans, Mother and Teacher
St. Abibas, Gurias and Evsevon
Ktitors' composition, nave part
Ktitors (founders), south wall part: St. Symeon Nemania, St. Stephen the First-Crowned (as Monk Symon) and King Urosh I
Ktitors (founders), west wall part: Young King Dragutin, Prince Milutin. St. Warrior Artemios painted beside them
Altar area
Adoration of the Lamb: Three medieval Serbian Archbishops and St. Ignatios
Archbishops of Serbia: St. Arsenios and St. Sabbas II (north wall)
St. Sabbas I, the first Serbian Archbishop and St. Ignatios of Antioch (south wall)
Ressurection frescoes on the north wall: Appereances of Christ and fragments
Women Myrrhbearers talking with an Angel at the Christ's grave (Sunday morning)
Appereance of Christ to the Apostles after His Ressurection
Lying down of Christ to the Grave (fragment)
Ressurection frescoes on the south wall: Appereances of Christ and Unbelief
Annunciation of Christ to women Myrrhbearers after Ressurection
Unbelief of St. Thomas
East wall with Pentecost
Pentecost - Descent of the Holy Spirit onto the Apostles
Groups of Hierarchs in the apse: part of Lirutgy of Hierarchs
North procession of Hierarchs adorating the Lamb
South procession of Hierarchs adorating the Lamb
Part of Altar apse with Apostles' Communion
Apostles receiveing Holy Communion with Vine and Bread
Mother of God with Christ: Fragment of two Archangels
The Holy Lamb in niche
Arch between south-east and north-east pillar: Hierarchs
Portraits of Hierarchs in medallions on the arch
Hierarchs 2
Hierarchs 3
Hierarchs 4
Royal doors and Holy Relics of Saints in Sopocani
Holy Relics in front of the iconostat
Proskomede east wall
Apse of proskomede
St. Archdeacon and Protomartyr Stephen
St. Archdeacon Romanus
Socle (part closest to the floor)
South wall with Nativity and Caressing of the little Theotokos
Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God
Caressing of little Mother of God
St. Florus, Sylvestar and Nicholas
Saints on the west wall and north fragments
St. Stephen the New, St. John the Theologian and "Pieta"
Fragments of north wall: Angel, Mother of God with Christ and unknown Bishop
Frescoes of St. Nicholas and St. Shroud
Ordination of St. Nicholas (west wall)
Deisis: Christ, Mother of God and St. Nicholas (east wall)
St. John the Baptist, St. Shroud with Christ's face and St. John the Theologian (istoccni zid)
Ktitors' Composition, narthex part
Ktitors' (founders') composition (east wall part): Mother of God on the Trone and the King Urosh I with a young King Dragutin
Ktitors' (founders') composition (south wall part): Queen Helen d'Anjou with Prince Milutin
Serbian Medieval Rulers: St. Symeon Nemania
Serbian Medieval Rulers: Queen Anna Dandolo and St. Symeon Nemania
Dormition of Queen Anna Dandolo (north wall)
Portrait of St. Symeon Nemania above entrance of the south chapell
Last Judgement
Last Judgement, fragments of large north wall composition
Eccumenical and Serbian Medieval Congresses on east wall
Seven Eccumenical (Universal) Congresses (Synaxises) of Orthodox Church, central part
Seven Eccumenical (Universal) Congresses (Synaxises) of Orthodox Church, upper part
Congress (Synaxis) of St. Symeon Nemania and St. Stephen the First-Crowned
Old-Testament stories on west wall: Righteous Joseph and Jewish boys
Story on Joseph
Three Jewish young men in fire, fragment
Old-Testament stories on south wall: Jesse Tree
Jesse Tree, fragments
East wall and higher zone: Architecture and fragmented frescoes
Jesus Christ (above entrance of nave)
Double window between narthex and nave
Last Supper and Christ on the Trone (above entrance of nave)
Portraits of Saints around the narthex
Two unknown Holy Hermits (desert dwellers) and St. Paul of Tivea (west wall)
Four Holy unknown monks (south wall)
Portraits above north chapel entrance: St. Protomartyr Stephen and Macarius
Unknown Holy faster (south wall) and monk (north wall)
North wall with Holy Byzantine Emperors
Holy Emperor Constantine and Empress Helen with Holy and Life-giving Cross
Chapel of St. Protomartyr Stephen
Apse of Chapel with portrait of St. Stephen
St. Archdeacon and Protomartyr Stephen
The Most Holy Mother of God with Christ (apse semicalote)
South wall with Guardian of Holy Trinity
Archangel Michael as guardian of Holy Trinity
Two scenes from life of St. Stephen
Sts. Hermolaus and Panteleimon
St. Panteleimon
Fragments of west wall: unknown portraits and scenes
Unknown Holy Martyr (probably St. Agathon) and Christ's face on the Holy Shroud
Fragment 1
Fragment 2
Fragment 3
Chapel of St. Symeon Nemania
East wall and apse of Chapel
Apse: The Most Holy Mother of God with Christ and Liturgy of Hierarchs
Translation of relics of St. Symeon from the north wall
Translation of relics of St. Symeon Nemania from Hilandar (Mt. Athos) to Studenica (Serbia)
Group of hierarchs and monks in front of Studenica meeting St. Symeon with an icon of Mother of God (Intermediator)
St. Symeon with St. Basil the Great
St. Symeon Nemania with St. Basil the Great (north wall)
West and north wall with portraits of saints
Five saints from west and north wall
St. George
St. Damian
St. Triphon
St. Mercurios
Fragmented frescoes of south wall and the vault
St. John Chrysostom (Gold-Mouth) and unknown Holy Hierarch (part of Liturgy of Hierarchs), fragment of south wall
Fragment 1
Fragment 2
Fragment 3
Vault fragments 1
Vault fragments 2
West wall with Repose of St. Symeon and verious details
Repose of St. Symeon Nemania
Various details
Chapel of St. George
Martyrdom of St. George on south wall
Beheading of St. George
Dispersion of relics of St. George
Medallions around the Chapel: Old-Testament Prophets and Saints
St. Prophet Zacharias and. St. Prophet David (north wall)
St. Prophets Solomon, Moses and Aaron (south wall)
Sts. Demetrios, Procopius and Triphon (south wall)
St. Sergius (west wall)
Portraits of Saints and Serbian Archbishops around the Chapel
St. Gregory the Theologian and St. Sabbas the Sanctified (north wall)
St. Nicholas of Myrra in Lycia (south wall)
St. Sabbas the first Archbishop of Serbia, and St. Arsenios II, Archbishop of Serbia (south wall)
Christ Pantocrator and St. John the Baptist and Forerunner (south wall)
St. Archdeacon and Protomartyr Stephen and The Most Holy Mother of God (north wall)
Chapel of St. Nicholas
Glory and Ordinations of St. Nicholas (north wall)
Ordination of St. Nicholas a Priest
Ordination of St. Nicholas a Bishop of Myrra in Lycia
The Most Holy Mother of God and Christ giving omophore and Holy Scripture to St. Nicholas
Miracles and accomplishments of St. Nicholas
St. Nicholas cutting down the tree with demons
St. Nicholas saving three innocent men from sword
Unknown Scene 1
Unknown Scene 2
Portraits of Saints on north and south wall
Liturgy creators: St. Gregory the Theologian and St. John Chrysostom (Gold-Mouth), north wall
Portraits 1
Portraits 2
Portraits 3
Ornaments and modern venerating icons
Outer narthex
Portraits of Nemanyic Royal Family on the east wall
Queen Helen d'Anjou as a nun, King Urosh I as monk Symon and St. Symeon Nemania (north half)
King Dushan the Powerful, Queen Helen and their son Young King Urosh V (south half)
Christ cycle on east and north wall
Christ's Healings: of paralytic and of blind-man (west wall)
Christ and Samaritian Women (east wall)
The Most Holy Mother of God with Christ among poor (north wall)
Two unknown portraits on north and south wall
Unknown Saints
Three unknown Female Holy Martyrs
Portal between outer and inner narthex
Entirety of portal with Pentecost - Descent of the Holy Spirit onto the Apostles
Jesus Christ and Mother of God (south and north to portal)
Ornaments south and north to portal
Unknown Saint in medallion and lower fragment of St. Prophet Daniel with lions. Unknown Holy Stylite (south to portal)
West wall with Serbian Archbishop and Bible scene
St. Ioaniccius II, Serbian Archbishop
Story on rich man and his stores
Pillars with fragmented frecoes
North-west pillar: Unknown fragments and St. Barbarus the Robber
South-west pillar: Archangel Gabriel and fragments
Fragment 1
Fragment 2
Lower zone of bell-tower
Archangel Michael (north part)
Archangel Gabriel (south part)
Ornament (vault of bell-tower lower zone)
Monastery outside and inside
Call to prayer
"Klepalo" in outer narthex and rope of church bell
Details from Sopocani complex
Remains of old foundations
Monks' buildings
Vicinity objects
Vicinity and neighbour buildings
Look inside
Some interior details
Church shop
Environmental galleries
Approaching Sopocani
Way through heart of 8 centuries old Serbian Medieval State: 18km from Novi Pazar
Summer nature of Old Ras Region
BLAGO at work
Preparations of the church for recording
Collecting the parts of technique, scaffold and other equipment in the church
Preparation of photo technique
Mounting of the scaffold
Careful mounting of high portable scaffold inside the church
Preparation of the tool for hard reachable areas
Recording in higher zones
Recording of frescoes and architecture details in higher zones of the nave using scaffold and (sipka)
Recording in lower zones
Recording of frescoes and architecture details in church lower zones using shortened scaffold
VR making
Making a church interior VR film
Interview for Studio B
Report of Belgrade City TV station Studio B
BLAGO crew and Sopocani monks
Several scenes of monastic life
Various details
BLAGO in Sopocani
Ornament (vault of bell-tower lower zone)
Outer narthex
Lower zone of bell-tower
Ornament (vault of bell-tower lower zone)