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June Calendar

June Calendar
June Calendar: Up: St. Cyrill, 15.6./28.6. St. Propher Amos (today, that day is celebrated in Serbia as Day of St. Martyr Tzar Lazar and Kosovo Battle - 1389, known as Vidovdan, but Gracanica historically precedes it); Didimus, Modestus, Tichon, Hipatios. Down: St. Martyrs Manuel, Sabel and Ishmael behaded (brothers from Persia); 18.6./1.7. St. Leontius and two Saints (converts Hipatios and Theodulos), beaten (in Tripolis, 1st century); St. Leon Desert-Dweller; 19.6./2.7. St. Apostle Judah of the Twelve (brother of St. Apostle Jacob, sons of Joseph, known also as St. Apostle Thaddeus), hanged (according to other version crucified and shot)
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